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It’s true; it does happen. Just caught myself doing it. And the answer to my question—who exactly would I try to bargain with—it turns out the answer is HER.


Talking to Myself

Now when I talk to myself, I can pretend I’m talking to my mother. That’s an unexpectedly happy development. Not only that, I find that I know exactly what she would say. Or at least I think I know what she would say.


And Then Depression Set In

I never read “On Death and Dying.” I actually learned about the five stages of grief from Bob Fosse’s film “All That Jazz.” Roy Scheider’s character literally flirts with death and keeps envisioning some bad standup comedian doing a riff on the five stages of grief-


What We Leave Behind

What if you knew you had just a few months left to live on this earth, and in those months, you looked around at the life you’ve built–I mean really looked–at the things you’ve surrounded yourself with to give you comfort, inspiration, beauty, convenience.


Mother’s Day 2017 (Reprise)

Last night (after we’d spoken only an hour earlier), my mother called me out of the blue just to tell me she loved me, and “Happy Mother’s Day,” and when we hung up she didn’t say her usual “speak to you later,” but instead she said, “bye.”